Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Diary of a Mad Metro Rider

Well, DC, here it is. The first of my surely many to come rants about our fair public transit system. Typically I don't actually have a huge problem with the metro - it gets me where I need to go in an almost-timely fashion. I complain a fair amount, but no more than any other commuter. However this afternoon really took the cake. I left work a little early today to catch a partial ride home with E and was pretty pumped about it (we have epic car rides, and even more so now with the addition of the latest CD from Ms. Britney Spears). The line I needed even arrived as I was walking down the stairs - it was like fate. I had a magazine, my iPod - I was SET. So naturally, disaster struck.

As I entered the car that stopped in front of me I noticed the AC was out - not a huge problem as I am typically a little chilly during the day and almost welcomed the warmer air. After we left my origin the train began to stop and start at random times. If you have experienced this sensation, you know exactly what I am referring to. I've experienced motion-sickness on the metro before - never to the point of becoming a sick passenger but its gotten bad. Traveling 35-45 minutes in from my office in Maryland doesn't help. I wasn't going far this time so I closed my mag, put my head down and shut my eyes. As we continued on our way the car began to fill with humans as it typically does during rush hour. A gentleman sat down next to me and here is where it all really ended for me. He was clearly a smoker and REEKED of cigarette smoke. Now I'm not going to condemn him for smoking - clearly a personal choice etc etc etc - and I've been known to enjoy a cig or two on occasion. This, however, did not help my already nauseous feeling and impending need to projectile vom all over said individual. We were still 3 stops away from E's stop - however with the stopping and starting and stopping and starting I was really not feeling it. I actually almost got off a few early and walked but I didn't want her to have to wait for me.

Long story short, I made it to E's stop in one piece and didn't cause anyone else any unnecessary commuting delays. The moral of my rant is really that when you enter the metro you should maybe try to think of those around you, especially people like me who are more prone to motion sickness. My metro-sick is really a new development, one that I directly attribute to public transportation. And reading in cars, but that's a whole other discussion.

This really was nothing compared to the night that the metro escalator ate my shoe. BF can attest - unfortunately I deleted the picture from my phone.

Moral of the story? I need to start driving to work.

Peace, Love, and #WMATA,


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